Furnas do enxofre in Terceira, why does it smoke? 

🌋 Geology of Terceira : The Secrets of Pico Alto and its Fumerolles! 🌿

Immerse yourself in this captivating video that explores the geological features of Terceira, focusing on areas where fumaroles persist, remnants of the last eruption in the 18th century.

💨 Fumerolles and Geological Formation :

Fumaroles are explained as openings in the Earth's crust allowing the release of various gases, mainly water, CO2 and sulphur compounds, constituting secondary volcanic activity. The lifespan of these geological formations varies according to gas replenishment, ranging from a few decades to a few centuries.

🌡️ Temperature and alteration of rocks :

The proximity of the fumaroles causes high ground temperatures, reaching 95 degrees Celsius at the surface and 130 degrees Celsius at a depth of 1.5 metres. The heat, combined with the chemical elements emitted, causes the rocks to weather, creating colourful landscapes in shades of red, white and yellow.

🌿 Vegetation zones :

Les conditions géologiques uniques influencent la distribution de la végétation. Les plantes à proximité des fumerolles luttent en raison des températures élevées et des concentrations de gaz. La végétation se diversifie progressivement à mesure que l'on s'éloigne, allant des mousses aux communautés de bruyères, pour finalement atteindre des pâturages.