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#3: Living in the tropical forest

🌿 Life at the Research Camp in the heart of the Kirindy Reserve: A day-to-day commitment to science in Madagascar! 🏕️

In the third episode of my scientific adventure in Madagascar, our team settles into a research camp in the heart of the Kirindy reserve, ready to face the challenges of life in autarky and isolation.

🏞️ Research Camp: Autarky and Isolation:

Daily life at the camp is characterised by autarky and isolation, forcing us to prepare carefully for working in difficult conditions. Despite the challenges, we are determined to continue our scientific mission.

🌡️ Extreme weather conditions:

The high temperatures demand meticulous preparation, forcing us to wear trousers despite the scorching heat. Every aspect of our routine is adapted to cope with Madagascar's demanding climatic conditions.

🚿 Food Hygiene and Respect for the Environment:

The rudimentary shower, where water is drawn from a river and filtered before use, underlines our commitment to preserving the environment. Eco-friendly soaps are used to minimise our impact on this fragile ecosystem.

📊 Daily Meetings and Experience Planning:

Every day, we get together to plan our experiments and discuss our progress. This regular communication is essential to maximise the effectiveness of our scientific work within the camp.

🦟 Mosquito Protection and Malaria Prevention:

Protection against mosquitoes is crucial to avoid malaria, a constant threat in this region. We take strict measures to protect ourselves, conscious of the importance of our health to the success of our research.

💼 Intensive Working Days and Adequate Rest:

Our working days are long and intense, involving intensive prospecting in the reserve. We make sure we get adequate rest to maintain our physical and mental health, aware that our stamina is crucial to the success of our scientific mission.